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With an A Level in Photography you can apply for Foundation courses in Fine Art or Photography and with a very good portfolio, take a Degree in Photography or a related course. Once qualified, you can consider a wide range of careers including photojournalism, freelance photography, media and promotional photography.

You are taught how to use a fully manual camera, shooting film in the studio and on location. Students develop and print black and white film in the darkroom and manipulate prints using Photoshop in the computer suite. You will learn about photographers' work, produce independent research and develop your own analytical skills. Visits to galleries are an essential part of the course to complete the critical and contextual studies element. 

The technical skills required to be successful at A Level are taught continuously throughout the entirety of the course with students being encouraged to explore both traditional methods and new media. The course commences with short introductions to a varied range of themes and approaches, supported by both historical and contemporary Photographers. Students visit many exhibitions and galleries to broaden their appreciation and knowledge of how photography can be used. A work journal is kept that displays the development and experimentation of an idea from inception to completion and is a key element in final assessment.

The second year builds on the first to reach full A Level standard. Final assessment happens in June of the second year, with coursework worth 60% and a final externally set unit worth 40%. The modules encourage you to develop your own ideas and style but the course does have a structure which encourages you to learn more about Photographers and photographic skills. The A Level course includes a detailed written study on a theme/topic of your own choice that connects with your practical work.

Many of our students go on to Art Foundation courses at the major Art Schools. Following this they take up places on degree courses in photography, graphics, fashion, illustration, fine art, printed and woven textiles and stage design.

  •  Coursework, Creative Solving 60%
  •  Externally set assignment 40%


Entry Requirements: As stated in the Admission Policy

Special Requirements: A grade 5 or above in GCSE Art would be advantageous but not essential

Exam Board: Edexcel