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At Camden School for Girls the aim is to make the study of Mathematics enjoyable and relevant for all pupils.


Curriculum Information

Key Stage 3
When pupils enter the school in Year 7, they are put into mixed ability groups for the first half term. Setting is used through the remainder of year 7 and for years 8 and 9.

The syllabus is led by the National Curriculum. Pupils are taught to develop means of organising, communicating and manipulating information over a broad range of topics. The emphasis is on problem-solving, investigations and practical activities. Pupils are encouraged to use their own initiative and imagination when tackling a variety of tasks.




Key Stage 4
GCSE Mathematics is an invaluable qualification that is always in demand in both the employment markets and as a foundation for further study. The ability to understand logical arguments and numerical information is a quality greatly desired. The subject itself has the power to fascinate young people just as it always has and for this reason alone it remains a highly popular GCSE.

The GCSE offered aims to develop a positive attitude towards the subject and an appreciation of its numerous roles which includes seeing Mathematics as of value in itself. These aims will be achieved through teaching and learning strategies which are enjoyable but nevertheless require hard work.

Students are following the new Edexcel Linear 9.1 course at either Higher or Foundation level.