The purpose of this allowance is to improve education achievement. To this end, good attendance, punctuality, behaviour and application to study are an essential part of receiving this allowance.
The student should adhere to the following:
The following criteria must be attained by the student in order to receive their monthly Bursary payment:
If a ‘no payment’ decision is made you will have the right to appeal.
All absences should be reported to the Sixth Form Attendance Officer on the day by the parent or carer of the student, or 0207 482 8207. When leaving early, students should sign out at the sixth form office.
Please sign and return the Bursary Contract together with your 16-19 Bursary Application form (both attached below) and any other documents requested, to the Sixth Form Administrator in Office S2 as soon as possible.
If you think you are eligible for free school meals, you can apply here.